International Safe Transit Association (ISTA)--国际安全运输协会



  International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) is an organization focused on the specific concerns of transport packaging and our mission is to develop and deliver standards, educational programs and tools for the economic, social and environmental optimization of packaging systems. ISTA pioneered the concept of package performance testing and certification over 60 years ago and today our test procedures, standards and certification programs are at the forefront of Responsible Transport Packaging. ISTA members include shippers who manufacture and distribute products, carriers who provide the distribution means, organizations that supply packaging materials and services, and testing laboratories that perform packaged-product performance tests.


  Develop and deliver standards, tools and educational programs for the economic, social and environmental optimization of packaging systems.


  All packaging systems are designed and certified to ISTA performance and environmental standards.

  ISTA helps members control costs, damage, and resources during the distribution of packaged-products by:

  -Creating and publishing packaged-product test procedures.

  -Certifying packaging laboratories, packaged-products and professionals.

  -Providing education, training, and support.